
Jan 15

Tecnofot’s Project for Elais Unilever Hellas S.A. (Algida & EVGA)

Technofot undertook and succesfully delivered the project of the total coverage of over fifty (50) tracks-refrigerators of Ice Cream company’s product category  in North Greece with brands of EVGA & ALGIDA (Ben and Jerry’s, Carte D’ Or and Cafe’ Zero’)

This  project  signed the good past cooperation between the two companies regarding the full coverage of ALGIDA tracks.

By 2011 ELAIS-UNILEVER HELLAS S.A. acquired the historic Greek EVGA brand, ensuring thereby company’s dominant positions within the ice cream Greek market.

Additional photos  of the above presented project, you can also find here.

Oct 15

Project presentation for the external communication of the new Ikea store in Sofia

The Project’s external signage of the new IKEA in Sofia was commissioned in May 2011 and ended in September with the exception of the tower (IKEA Tower) whose commission and delivery has been preceded.

Oct 15

The project of the outdoor signs for the new corporate identity of Ergo Group Insurance Company (former Victoria)

The project of  the signage of the new corporate identity of Ergo Insurance (formerly named Victoria) which had assumed Technofot for  northern Greece has been successfully completed.

Here are selective photos from  insurance agencies by area.

Jun 19

Outdoor Signs for the new corporate identity of the Victoria Insurance Company (Ergo)

Ιn Ergo Insurance Company was renamed the Victoria Insurance. The aim of the new brand is adopting a common brand that is now very recognizable.

At a press conference for the presentation of the new company President and CEO of ERGO in Greece, Mr. Kokkalas stressed that “this development, absolutely crucial for Victoria, brings it even closer to the values ​​and vision insurance group Ergo , one of the biggest German insurance groups in Europe and Asia. The ERGO is a new company with new name, new colors, new symbols, but rather a new understanding of how a modern, outward-looking insurance company to operate in the market and to communicate with members, partners, and operators adopting values ​​such as trust openness and closeness. ”

This new corporate identity is marked by the external signaling of the central branches and its insurance agencies which is undergone by Technofot for Northern Greece, having the first stores already delivered.

Jun 19

External Communication for the Ikea Store in Sofia, Boulgaria

After following the constant cooperation of two companies with the last stop the IKEA Store at Ioannina in September 2010, Technofot took on the external signage of a new branch in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The construction of the IKEA store in Sofia will be finished by the end of 2011. The store total area of ​​30,000 square meters will be the largest store Fourlis Group and is expected to attract over 1.6 million visitors the first year of operation.

The tower (IKEA Tower) was delivered in March and the award of the remaining outdoor communication  followed in May.