Pylon sign of Kotsovolos store in Drama
Pylon sign of IKEA in A.I.Renti in Piraeus
Pylon sign of Piraeus Bank brach in Peraia Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of the Kothali's Ceramics Group offices in Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of ΙΚΕΑ store in Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Emporiki Bank branch in Thermi Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Vasos pastry in N.Krini Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Sidenor's representative in Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Bed and Bath store in Finika Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Zeda building in the airport area of Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Kempinski hotel in the airport area of Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Elin gas station for Elinoil S.A.
Pylon sign of Michelin's represenative in N.Risio Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of the pastry workshop of Miltos pastry in Thermi Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Kiskinidis store in Gefira Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Sons.D.Bacatselou in Efkarpia Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Sons.D.Bacatselou in Efkarpia Thessaloniki
Pylon sign of Mousikos store in Staroupoli airlift Thessaloniki
Pylos sign with pressed Plexi Glass for Vegga Sport in N. Eukarpia, Thessaloniki
Pylon sign for National Bank branch within National Exhibition of Thessaloniki
Illuminated pylon dign for Sideral Shpk, member of Sidenor Group in Albania